NEHAWU KZN Statement On The Relocation of COGTAs Offices To Ondini
Wednesday December 04, 2024

In the midst of fiscal constraints that have resulted in the department being understaffed, and with workers that are being overworked and no improvement in pay and conditions of work – the MEC, remains obsessed with this nefarious agenda which has high costs implications.
Such a process also needs to comply with the Legislative Framework, as provided by the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, as amended, particularly Clause (84). This provision of the Act prescribes that there must be a meaningful consultation before Restructuring, Realignment, Decommissioning, or Relocation is effected. CoGTA, as an employer, who is also part of the Collective Bargaining processes through the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council [PSCBC] has yet presented such a contemplation.
These offices, that are a stark reminder of the Bantustan era, as they were part of the administrative devices for the exclusion of the black majority from the South African political system, have even dilapidated, and now has occupational health and safety hazards, and with serious water challenges, amongst others.
As NEHAWU, we therefore call on the Provincial Government, to continue rejecting this move by the MEC for CoGTA and ensure that every cent is directed towards improving the socio-economic conditions of the people of KwaZulu-Natal, who are confronted with unprecedented challenges of high-levels of unemployment, extreme poverty and inequality. The union is prepared to challenge this unprocedural relocation to the highest court in the land.

Issued by NEHAWU KwaZulu-Natal Office
Ayanda Zulu (Provincial Secretary) at 081 758 5199 or email:
Ntokozo Nxumalo (Provincial Deputy Secretary) at 0815255983 or email: Visit
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